by ikam » Thursday, 10.July 2014, 19:44
1/ it's the easiest and generic way to load a mesh. it is possible to disable the triangulate option in assimp loader but it will require a more complex wz algorithm to generate meshes (some meshes can have faces with more than 4 vertices, wz support 4 vertices max per faces, so need to cut theses faces etc..., to see for an alternative...
2/ I really doesn't manage materials infos for now, just added a default cluster per mesh... to do...
3/ positions, normals, tangent and uv are imported by default if they are present in file. it also can be options when loading file from assimp, and it is also possible to post-compute normals and tangent with wz once mesh is loaded (normalise op do that too). all that should be opartors parameters options at final release...
thanks for the file i'll do some test for clusters.