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possible new feature

PostPosted: Saturday, 22.September 2012, 00:13
by ikam

ideas for 2 new op, I don't know yet if it's possible to do it, but it could be nice :

- FromRender op : same as FromMesh or FromVertex, but from a rendered mesh (yellow op) - the difference is that yellow op can be animated so this new particle render could be dynamic - the particles will follow the animated vertex pos.

- enhanced Chunks : which can take a rendered mesh as input. same idea as first - chunks with animated mesh.

I'll see that next week...

Re: possible new feature

PostPosted: Saturday, 22.September 2012, 09:27
by Skinnytorus
hi, ikam.
Veeery useful suggestions! Looking forward to testing the prototype! :))

Re: possible new feature

PostPosted: Saturday, 22.September 2012, 12:41
by erbsen
New features are always welcome. :)

Re: possible new feature

PostPosted: Saturday, 22.September 2012, 12:55
by ikam
for the second idea, I found a way to fake it with render target, it works fine

Re: possible new feature

PostPosted: Saturday, 22.September 2012, 13:25
by Skinnytorus
Yep. Through using a Billboard Camera and RT as Texture input for Sprites I presume?
It must be good for the FPS :)

Re: possible new feature

PostPosted: Monday, 24.September 2012, 20:15
by ikam
yep exaclty.