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Select by Mesh

PostPosted: Saturday, 17.May 2014, 05:50
by Skinnytorus
I suggest a new feature allowing to select faces and vertices by custom mesh. Say you wanna explode a 3d Text and you want the inner side of shards to have a different material. You would then use a copy of the 3d text mesh + ExtrudeNormal to make it smaller and use this as a selection primitive (in Select input) to select the inner faces. What do you think?

Re: Select by Mesh

PostPosted: Saturday, 17.May 2014, 18:36
by ikam
yes could be great :)
But not so easy...

Re: Select by Mesh

PostPosted: Sunday, 18.May 2014, 13:05
by Skinnytorus
As I can see, we could use ADF or PDF for this purpose as they know what is inside or outside of them. What do you think?